The fabric stretched around Felicity’s little feet and
nestled her in a perfect fit. It was the first time I’d put Felicity in a
onesie with feet. Up until then, she wore t-shirt onesies that snapped around her diaper. They were light and perfect for the hot summer days. But when
nighttime came, Felicity liked to be cuddled and the footsie onsie was the
perfect solution.
Up until now, all Felicity’s clothes flopped and folded
around Felicity’s tiny, baby body. She swam in the extra fabric. This onsie was
snug and it fit like it was made for her. She’d wave her little legs and arms
and the white fabric with little bicycles printed across its surface stretched
with her.
I loved putting her into it.
Then something happened. It didn’t take long…maybe a couple
of weeks. The bicycle onesie was washed following a diaper explosion and the
cotton cloth shrunk. But just a little. Felicity’s cheeks and limbs became
rounder and her eyes wider. She watched the ceiling fan and figured out how to
smile and babble.
One night, I put the bicycle onsie on and it crunched her
little legs and barely buttoned over her round tummy.
My little girl outgrew her first piece of clothing.
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